Thursday, September 29, 2011

East Sussex, England

The once County of Sussex can be located on the South Coast of England but is now divided into two separate counties, one being East Sussex and the other West Sussex. Bounded by the Counties of Hampshire, Kent and Surrey, 'Sussex' fronts the English Channel which seperates the United Kingdom from mainland Europe. The county town of West Sussex is Chichester and is famed for its rich heritage of historic buildings and picturesque countryside. The nearby town of Rye has delightful winding cobbled streets and old timber framed buildings and is regarded by many as the prettiest town in England. Hastings is an old fishing town and offers all the traditional amusements of the seaside, but retains much of the character from its colourful past. Rich in history, Hastings is famous worldwide for the 'Battle of Hastings' in 1066 between the invading Normans and the defending Saxons, the actual battle itself took place 6 miles inland from the town of Hastings, at a smaller town aptly named 'Battle' which is well worth a visit.

Dorset, England

Dorset is a county of great beauty, situated on the South Coast of England, bounded by the Counties of Devon, Hampshire, Somerset and Wiltshire. Dorset boasts an outstanding 75 mile long shore fronting the English Channel which separates the United Kingdom from mainland Europe. A traditional English county rich in archaeology, unspoilt rural villages and countryside. Nearby attractions include the picturesque and homely Town of Weymouth, Historic Sherborne Castle Built by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1594, Mapperton House and Gardens of Elizabethan origin, home of the Earl and Countess of Sandwich.

Devon, England

A County that forms part of the South-West Peninsula of England, Devon is the third largest County and borders the popular Counties of Dorset, Somerset and Cornwall. Devon boasts some of Englands finest beaches, has a wealth interesting History to discover and many pretty Villages including Clovelly, one of the most famous villages in the world. Interesting places to visit include Torquay a popular holiday resort and birthplace of Dame Agatha Christie, the most popular crime writer of all time and Tavistock the centre of a beautiful and fascinating district and birthplace of the famous explorer Sir Francis Drake.

Greater London

Greater London is not only a County full of interesting towns and villages, it is also home to England's capital city, 'London'. Covering such a vast area and encompassing what used to be Middlesex and even parts of Surrey, Greater London has countless places of interest and 'must see' attractions to visit. Starting with The Queen of England's official London residence 'Buckingham Palace', parts of which are open to visitors. 'Kew Gardens' is a popular tourist attraction, a place of such natural beauty covering three hundred acres. The clock tower 'Big Ben' a famous London landmark which stands an amazing 316ft. high. Other fascinating places of interest include: 'Downing Street', home of the British Prime Minister. 'Marble Arch', built in 1828. The Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's Catherdral and one of Londons most recent tourist attractions is the 'London Eye', the world's highest observation wheel.